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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who are my customers?
  2. How can our organisation get started in CRM?
  3. We are not ready to invest in a CRM system yet in view of the current economic situation. However, we think customers are important to our business. What preparation work can we do now?
  4. Why do we need a CRM roadmap?
  5. Which CRM system should we implement?
  6. We cannot decide on which CRM system to implement. Do you provide any CRM consulting services to guide us through the systems selection process?
  7. I am from the IT division. My sales division always complain that our existing customer system does not meet their business requirements even though system enhancements are ongoing. I am frustrated. What should I do?
  8. My business does not deal with consumers, do I need CRM?
  9. There are other CRM vendors offering trainings too. How do they differ from your trainings?


1. Who are my customers? (Back to top)

Your customers can be corporates or consumers who purchase/ use your products or services, business partners and/or suppliers. The definition is usually applicable to most industries and organisations including small to large-scale businesses, governments, institutions, non-profit organisations etc.

2. How can our organisation get started in CRM? (Back to top)

First, understand what CRM really is and how it is typically leveraged by organisations, how it may apply to your industry and relate these practices to your organisation. Then examine your organisational landscape and functions and decide on the approach to embark on your CRM journey.

CRM trainings are beneficial as they are designed to help you kick start your CRM exploration process while our programs and solutions may be leveraged upon if you require external assistance to supplement your internal resources. If you need to contact us or discuss, please feel free to drop us a note.

3. We are not ready to invest in a CRM system yet in view of the current economic situation.  However, we think customers are important to our business. What preparation work can we do now? (Back to top)

This is an opportune time for you to perform some internal discussions and analysis to determine the scope and extent of CRM your organisation requires before you invest in any CRM system. A good foundation of CRM and the right preparation will generally reduce your risk and maximise the results from future capital investment. Options for you to consider include CRM training or CRM implementation roadmap.

4. Why do we need a CRM implementation roadmap? (Back to top)

A CRM implementation roadmap provides you the opportunity to think through, formulate and operationalise your CRM vision and strategy. The roadmap is particularly crucial when:

  • your customer-facing operations are sizable;
  • there are multiple parties dealing with customers or working in projects relating to customers, sales, marketing or services.

In short, it allows you to prioritise the use of limited resources, eliminate any subsequent sporadic effort that does not align to the CRM objectives or fail to create business value, and ensure planned milestones are met promptly to produce the desired outcome.

5. Which CRM system should we implement? (Back to top)

Your CRM system should match the size of your operations, extent and level of complexity of CRM requirements, platform preference (if any), budget etc. If you cannot decide on a suitable CRM system, you may wish to perform a CRM system software evaluation to facilitate your decision-making.

6. We cannot decide on which CRM system to implement. Do you provide any CRM consulting services to guide us through the systems selection process? (Back to top)

Yes, our proven CRM system software evaluation service can help you gather the relevant facts and provide an objective review of the strengths and weaknesses of the shortlisted systems. This assessment will help you to decide on the final choice of CRM system.

7. I am from the IT division. My sales division always complain that our existing customer system does not meet their business requirements even though system enhancements are ongoing. I am frustrated. What should I do? (Back to top)

Possible reasons for the mismatch may be related to user training, documentations, processes, business changes, functionalities scope and fit to your system etc. If the outcome is driven by business process changes, you may wish to seek feedback from your users to decide on the CRM approach.

8. My business does not deal with consumers, do I need CRM? (Back to top)

If you market or sell a product, offer a service, manage business partners, distributors, suppliers or other business customers, then CRM is for you. These counterparts are all your customers. Knowing your customers better and leveraging on your relationships with them help grow your business.

9. There are other CRM vendors offering trainings too. How does that differ from your trainings?
(Back to top)

We believe you are referring to CRM system vendors who train on specific CRM system software.  Customer Capital Consulting’s training differs in two ways:

  1. Our training is not limited to any CRM systems. Our customised curriculum aims to equip you with the business aspects of CRM: the fundamentals, concepts, scope, industry practices and market trends. We also introduce CRM system functionalities offered by a combination of the key CRM systems and
  2. Our working knowledge of the different key CRM systems enables us to share with you practical insights on CRM strategy, process and implementation issues.

Once you complete our CRM training, you will acquire an understanding of the business, technology, organisation aspects of CRM as well as learn practical approaches, issues and considerations to embark on future CRM initiatives.

Have you ever wondered?

  • Who are your customers?
  • Are you clear of your CRM agenda?
  • Are you delivering your brand promise?
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